See how much you really spend

AI-powered expense tracking for smarter spending and saving

Product Demo

83% of Americans say they overspend

Tracking payments across cards and accounts... and cash. There's too much to keep up with manually.


Try to track spending


Struggle to manually input everything


Spend over your budget

All you need to track your expensesand start saving

  • The Smart Add feature, powered by OpenAI, automatically processes and categorizes your financial data, saving you time and effort. Effortlessly input anything from plain text to bank statements.
  • Visualize your spending habits with a variety of interactive charts. Explore your data through line charts, bar charts, and pie charts, offering a clear and comprehensive view of your financial trends over time.
  • Categorize your expenses by custom categories, months, and labels, making it easy to track and manage your spending across different periods and purposes.
  • As a solo developer, I’m dedicated to building a product that truly serves its users. Join our community and directly influence the development of new features.



Full access to all features for a year




  • Smart Add
  • Charts and Visualizations
  • Organization Tools
  • Access to future updates

Pay now, save later.



A one-time payment for lifetime access




  • Smart Add
  • Charts and Visualizations
  • Organization Tools
  • Access to future updates
  • 24/7 support

Pay once, save forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All the features listed above and any features added in the future.
  • There is no free trial at the moment, but there is a demo page. This page has limited functionality, but will give you a general feel of the app.
  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.

  • Send me an email!